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Southcreek Game Week – AMONG US

The game takes place in a space-themed setting where players each take on one of two roles, most being Crewmates, and a predetermined number being Impostors. The goal of the Crewmates is to identify the Impostors, eliminate them, and complete tasks around the map; the Impostors’ goal is to covertly sabotage and kill the Crewmates before they complete all their tasks. Through a plurality vote, players believed to be Impostors may be removed from the game. If all Impostors are eliminated or all tasks are completed, the Crewmates win; if there is an equal number of Impostors and Crewmates, or if a critical sabotage goes unresolved, the Impostors win.

Join us for a thrilling experience.


Host: Mr Rapheal

Date: 5th December 2020.

Time: 3:00pm TO 4:00pm.

Zoom Details: Link ID: 834 773 4724 Password: 1234.

Zoom Link: Click Here


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