You should say to Our Lady, right now, speaking without the sound of words, from the accompanied solitude of your heart: “O, my Mother, sometimes this poor heart of mine rebels; but if you help me …” She will indeed help you to keep it clean and to follow the way God has called you to pursue. The Virgin Mary will always make it easier for you to fulfill the Will of God. (The Forge, 315)
We must be as clean and pure as we can as far as the body is concerned and without being afraid, because sex is something noble and holy — a participation in God’s creative power — which was made for marriage. And thus, pure and fearless, you will give testimony by your behaviour that it is possible and beautiful to live holy purity…
Take very special care of chastity and also of the other virtues which accompany it: modesty and refinement. They are as it were the safeguard of chastity. Don’t take lightly those norms of conduct which help so much to keep us worthy in the sight of God: keeping a watchful guard over our senses and our heart; the courage — the courage to be a coward — to flee from the occasions of sin; going to the sacraments frequently, particularly to the sacrament of Confession; complete sincerity in our own spiritual direction; sorrow, contrition and reparation after one’s falls. And all this imbued with a tender devotion to Our Lady so that she may obtain for us from God the gift of a clean and holy life. (Friends of God, 185)
1. Professional get-together.
2. Assassin – Game.
3. Meditation.
4. Benediction.
Don’t Miss Out